Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Exercise Inertia

The science of movement, namely inertia suggests that once a body is in motion it tends to stay in motion. Anyone who has ever started an exercise regimen has probably had a similar experience to mine. The first day is the hardest because your routine hasn’t been established yet and it’s extremely difficult to take that first step.  The good news is that once you get the ball rolling so to speak, inertia kicks in and it gets easier and easier. Finding motivation to start is the key to a healthier you. Really think about why you want to exercise, keep your eye on the prize, and get out there and do it! Everybody has his or her own motivation and reason for wanting to get in shape. Maybe you want to tone up for summer, fit in that slinky black dress for your high school reunion, train for that half marathon your friend bullied you into signing up for, or maybe you need to get healthy because your lab results just came back and you need to make some serious life changes. 

            Getting your heart pumping has some major and undeniable advantages, other than getting to zip your pants up without doing that crazy tug a war dance to get them up or preforming a series of secret squats to stretch them out.  Regular exercise can reduce stress and alleviate anxiety or as we like to call it in my house “getting your crazy out”.  Working up a good sweat releases mood-boosting chemicals called endorphins, making for a happier and more productive day. There is solid evidence that getting your body moving regularly can help prevent cognitive decline, reduce the risk of degenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s and sharpen memory. [1]Exercise also helps to control addiction because of something called dopamine. This is the reward chemical the brain releases in response to any form of pleasure, be that exercise, sex, drugs, alcohol, or food.

            Back to exercise inertia. The best part of being active, besides the physical advantages of course, is that exercise gives you more energy, which makes it easier to exercise in the first place. It’s a fantastic self-promoting cycle. The more you do it, the better you feel and the more energy you will have to exercise the next time. Oh yeah, and exerting that energy makes you sleep more restfully and who couldn’t use some more quality sleep? So get inspired and inspire others to start exercising, keep exercising, and be the happiest, healthiest you that you can be.

[1] http://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/fitness/in-depth/exercise/art-20048389

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